Principal's Message
Principal’s Message
We successfully spent the first day of school transitioning our new grade six students to our building and were joined the following day by our grade seven and eight students. Currently our student population is over 470 students with six homeroom classrooms at each grade level.
As you may have noticed, we have some renovations happening and will continue to take place throughout the school year. Completion is not expected until the spring, so we ask students and parents to be patient with us, as we work to through the barriers construction may cause. We will have a beautiful state of the art building when construction is finished.
MMS is an amazing school with a wide variety of academic programming, clubs, and athletics. We are a triple-track language program (English - French Immersion - Ukrainian Bilingual) with a full complement of technical education (Tech/Ed/Home Ec), as well as very successful band and art programs. I encourage all parents to be engaged with their child’s learning and take an active role in their social emotional development at such an important time in their lives. Bienvenue, Bitaemo, and Welcome!!